Threshing Floor Ruth Commentary

Here is what i wrote in my book unusual bible interpretations.
Threshing floor ruth commentary. Both before she went and after. And he will tell you what you should do. Read ruth 3 commentary using matthew henry commentary on the whole bible complete. The fact that her petition takes place at the threshing floor among the grain and the chaff is a beautiful symbol of man s need for redemption and god s identity as redeemer job 19 25.
Then it shall be when he lies down that you shall notice the place where he lies. Many people have different views as to what ruth and boaz did on the threshing floor during the night that the two were together. Therefore wash yourself and anoint yourself put on your best garment and go down to the threshing floor. Behold he winnoweth barley.
Tonight for the sake of the breeze which springs up at sunset and greatly facilitates the. You have been with his young women. On occasion flails or sticks were used for this purpose ruth 2 17. This mighty man of wealth assists personally in the winnowing of his barley which lies in a great heap on the floor ruth 3 15 and sleeps in the open threshing floor to protect his grain from depredation.
Then dress in your best clothes. She has learned that he is a good man and she trusts him. But do not make yourself known to the man until he has finished eating and drinking. And she thought it was a good opportunity to apply to him when he made a winnowing feast at his threshing floor.
V3 now have a bath and make yourself smell nice. And he will marry ruth only if this other man declines. Ruth reveals herself to boaz on his threshing floor. And did according to all that her mother in law bade her.
And you shall go in uncover his feet and lie down. Both the old and new testaments refer to the threshing floor as a symbol of judgment. Threshing floors are in danger of being robbed 1 samuel 23 1. Study the bible online using commentary on ruth 3 and more.
Ruth 3 6 and she went down unto the floor and did according to all that her mother in law bade her from the city of bethlehem from her mother in law s house there to the threshing floor of boaz which was at some distance from it and lower. Then winnowing forks were used to throw the mixture into the air so the wind could blow away the chaff leaving only the good grain on the floor. When ruth comes to the threshing floor she is in need and has responded to boaz s previous kindness and generosity ruth 2 8 13. The simple manners of boaz and his times are here before us.
V2 now boaz is a relative of ours. Tonight he will winnow barley at the threshing floor. 7when boaz had eaten and drunk and he was in a contented mood he went to lie down at the end of the heap of grain. Then she came stealthily and uncovered his feet and lay down.