Threshing Floor Tabernclke
We are dedicated to raise up active christians through anointed biblical teaching and the impartation.
Threshing floor tabernclke. When he strikes with one hand he holds with the other. Threshing floor tabernacle antioch ca. One of the titles of the people of god is my threshing and the grain of my floor. Threshing floor tabernacle give and it will be given to you.
The threshing floor is where true brokenness is created. Now it is well known that the lord is with his people in their trials. Tribulation means threshing in the latin and the saints through much tribulation enter the kingdom. The threshing floor is where the separation of soul and spirit takes place in us.
The name threshing floor tabernacle comes from the biblical story of king david who purchased ornan s threshing floor to build an altar and ultimately the first temple for god. Threshing is essentially dividing separating the wheat from the chaff. Good measure pressed down shaken together and running over will be put into your bosom. The threshing theme is woven throughout the bible and in jewish thought.
All things are possible to the one who believes. The sacrifices of god are a broken and contrite spirit psalm 51. Threshing floors crop up excuse the pun a number of times throughout scripture and there s something in this agricultural process that god is wanting us to think about.