Top Floor Apartment Cooling

In fact the cost to rent an apartment on the top floor is often times significantly more than the cost to rent units on the floors below it.
Top floor apartment cooling. Here are some things to consider when looking at an apartment on the top floor. Here are some tips on how to keep your apartment cool. Ready for a 1st grade science review. Before your rent a top floor apartment consider whether the cost is worth it relative to what you actually get.
Less dense warm air floats on top of colder air for the same reason a log floats on top of the water. You can decrease the heat in your apartment by a significant amount by keeping blinds closed at the right times of the day. That s because air gets less dense when the temperature increases. So you can take your head out of the freezer.
I have an apartment on the top floor of an apartment building the community roof is right over us. Block out the sun. In summer the place gets very hot. I can t start a community garden upstairs and am dying with the air conditioning bills.
The top and bottom floors are both great options depending on what you re looking for in an apartment rental but when it comes to heating and cooling and worrying about the trek to and from the apartment each showcases opposing extremes. Also focus on just the part of the apartment you re going to be using. The top floor may cost you more than just extra calories as you huff it up and down the stairs however.