Type Cv Mat

Here are the some popular ones.
Type cv mat. It can be used to store real or complex valued vectors and matrices grayscale or color images voxel volumes vector fields point clouds tensors histograms though very high dimensional histograms may be better stored in a sparsemat. If the format depth or channel order is different use mat convertto and cv cvtcolor to convert it before saving. Or use the universal filestorage i o functions to save the image to xml or yaml format. You can create an array simply by instantiating a variable of type cv mat an array created in this manner has no size and no data type.
Multiple images vector of mat can be saved in tiff format see the code sample below. You can however later ask it to allocate data by using a member function such as create one variation of create takes as arguments a number of rows a number of columns and a type and configures the array to represent a two. N dimensional dense array class. The class mat represents an n dimensional dense numerical single channel or multi channel array.
But it has more applications for convolution operation zero padding etc. A parameter with const cv mat type will changed in function. Note don t forget to delete cv mat cv matvector and r the mat you get from matvector when you don t want to use them any more. What is the difference between include filename and include filename.
Type has the same meaning as in cvcreatemat. Otherwise it has the same number of channels as src and the depth cv mat depth dtype. Normalization type see cv normtypes. Opencv mat frame as parameter in class function.
Using cv mat create nrows ncols type method or the similar constructor cv mat mat nrows ncols type fill value constructor. A new matrix of the specified size and specifed type will be allocated. Opencv how to deal with mat as pointer to speed up the code.