University Of Cincinnati Materials Science And Engineering

The projects were presented at the annual do it or mdiep competition through the medical device innovation and entrepreneurship program mdiep track in the university of cincinnati college of engineering and applied science.
University of cincinnati materials science and engineering. Biomedical engineering students created medical devices to address real world problems. The college of engineering and applied science is the engineering and applied science college of the university of cincinnati in cincinnati ohio it is the birthplace of the cooperative education co op program and still holds the largest public mandatory cooperative education program at a public university in the united states today it has a student population of around 4 898 undergraduate. The materials science and engineering mse program at the university of cincinnati is at the frontier of the materials research including fundamental polymer characterization methods synthesis of polymer composites surface science and adhesive thin films nano transducers and sensors surface engineered alloys nanostructured materials. The materials science engineering program hosts faculty from various backgrounds due to the cross disciplinary nature of the field.
As a student in the program you will learn from experienced educators and professional researchers that are prominent in many fields including.