University Of Iowa Math Courses

All university of iowa courses math mathematics mathematics courses math 2020 2021 catalog navigation.
University of iowa math courses. Undergraduate research experiences courses ures university libraries courses ulib university of iowa center for human rights courses hrts university of iowa upward bound courses uiub urban and regional planning courses planning and public affairs urp urology courses uro w. Premiere programs include the bachelor of liberal arts and the bachelor of applied studies degree completion programs designed for working adults with busy lives. The mathematics department provides a friendly and intellectually stimulating environment for the study of mathematics. The university of iowa center for advancement is an operational name for the state university of iowa foundation an independent iowa nonprofit corporation organized as a 501 c 3 tax exempt publicly supported charitable entity.
Both degrees offer a choice of three programs. 319 335 0627 mathematics department uiowa edu login notice. Graduate students in other disciplines may earn. For additional information on nondiscrimination policies contact the office of equal opportunity and diversity the university of iowa 202 jessup hall iowa city ia 52242 1316 319 335 0705 voice 319 335 0697 tdd diversity uiowa edu.
Basic techniques used to solve challenging mathematics problems. The core course requirements are the same for both degrees but the bs degree requires more elective course work than the ba. Prepares students to take the william lowell putnam examination and the iowa collegiate mathematics competition. Graduate students in mathematics must have departmental approval to earn credit for any of the courses listed below numbered 3000 or above except math 3995 topics in mathematics.
Abrd study abroad acb anatomy and cell biology acct accounting acts actuarial science aero aerospace studies afam african american studies. Program a this is the traditional and most general degree. University of iowa distance and online education provides online and distance course work certificates and degrees for students anywhere they are. Search transfer course equivalencies for commonly transferred courses offered at other iowa institutions and our major out of state transfer colleges.
Graduate students in mathematics may not earn credit for math 4010 basic analysis and math 4020 basic abstract algebra. The university of iowa located in iowa city iowa is an exciting yet relaxed community of over 60 000 people located on the scenic iowa river and served by most major airlines at the nearby eastern iowa airport. Math majors can earn either a bachelor of arts ba or a bachelor of science bs degree at iowa. Problems considered will come from a broad range of courses.