Up To The Ceiling Down To The Floor Abc Song Lyrics

And i don t know how i got this far down with the ceiling and i don t know how i got this far down with the ceiling oh her eyes are wide open right out of her head yeah she s clear of a crown that she cut down for me.
Up to the ceiling down to the floor abc song lyrics. 8 2013 2pm sung by teacher normi and her p m. Donuts run away from wolf colors song vegetables song nursery rhymes kids songs babybus duration. Hey eh well it s me de i to de b whoa it is happening again god have come and take away all my pain know i got to say i love you hey it is happening again. Right to the door.
For the father up above is looking down with love. Point to the ceiling. Show more show less. Category people blogs.
One little finger one little finger two little fingers. Left to the window. For music chords more hand plays and how to play this as a game visit. Up to the ceiling.
I love you and you love me. Comments are turned off autoplay when autoplay is enabled a suggested video will automatically play next. Babybus nursery rhymes 14 140 488 views. To the ceiling lyrics.
Up to the ceiling down to the floor left to the window right to the door kiss me mommy kiss me daddy i will sing my abc abcdefg hijklmsop qrstuv wxyz kapıcı izzet her yanın sallanarak dudağın ballanarak üst düğmemi çöz amman gerisini bana bırak. One little finger is a contemporary song that helps kids learn about their body parts. Down to the floor. One little finger lyrics.
Song is very easy to remember and it is also very versatile as body parts can be changed or added anytime during the song. Up to the ceiling. Up to the ceiling down to the floor song.