Urban Dictionary Mata

A term especially in art used to characterize something that is characteristically self referential.
Urban dictionary mata. He swears it does not mean kill. One of a matched pair. But he says it is a verb. Dalam konteks urban dictionary definisi tidak hanya mencakup definisi literal tetapi termasuk juga deskripsinya dengan demikian untuk mendefinisikan sebuah kata atau frase di urban dictionary tidak selalu berarti dia akan memberikan definisi yang ketat melainkan hanya sebuah deskripsi dari beberapa aspek dari kata fraselah yang dimasukkan ke dalam kamus.
Recent examples on the web every day fisherman head out in small boats to catch fish such as mahi mahi ono uku and papio all of which are brought directly to the restaurant and served within hours. Matta pronounces ma tha is a new york slang word that is a synonym for head. Although english is the lexifier language singlish has its unique slang and syntax which are more pronounced in informal speech it is usually a mixture of english mandarin tamil malay and other local dialects like hokkien. A spouse or romantic partner.
Can anybody help us out. Singlish is the english based creole or patois spoken colloquially in singapore english is one of singapore s official languages along with malay mandarin and tamil. Mate 1 māt n. Meta definition pertaining to or noting a story conversation character etc that consciously references or comments upon its own subject or features often in the form of parody.
He says it is mata but he does not mean kill or plant or shrub or hassock or any of that stuff. Either of a pair of plants fungi or other organisms that engage in sexual reproduction or conjugation. Their top definition for meta is. The word originated in the south asian country of bangladesh.
Either of a pair of animals brought together for breeding. To behave towards someone or deal with something in a particular way. Nā te mata o ngā kai o taua tahua ka aranga te ingoa a hākari mata mō te pae maunga i reira nit 1995 245. Ono definition is wahoo.
A movie about making a movie is just so meta especially when the actors criticize the acting. The mate to this glove. Either of a pair of birds or other animals that associate in order to propagate.